Kit Burko - Whale Burko
Nastal je kit Burko. Začelo se je s kopalniškim tepihom, ki ga babica ni hotela podariti Palčku B. Tepih je porisan s ribicami. Palček B ga je uporabljal za ladjo. Vendar babica in dedek nujno potrebujeta ta tepih, zato da jima ne spodrsne ko lezeta iz banje. Palček B je bil žalosten in nikakor ga nisem mogla potolažiti. Potem pa sem se spomnila, da imava doma cel kup starih kavbojk. Zakaj pa ne bi zašila enega kita. Mala malica in kit Burko je končan. Po komu pa je dobil ime? Ja po naši stari znanki burji!
Kit Burko.
Kit Burko na kolesu.
It all started with an old bathroom carpet with drawings of fish. Dwarf B was using it for a ship but grandmother didn't want to give it to him. She and grandfather need it when they climb out of the bathtub so they don't slip and fall. It was hard to comfort dwarf B as he was very very sad. But then I remembered why couldn't I make him a whale instead! Easy as pie, we used old jeans and few buttons-and whale Burko is here! And the name? Of course, after the wind burja.