Špelinice se navdušeno pripravljamo na udeležbo na Zelenem sejmu, ki bo 23. septembra 2023 od 10. do 18. ure na Bregu v Ljubljani. https://www.zelenisejem.si/

Ptičje hiške - Bird House

Danes ima palček B rojstni dan. Namesto ene sem mu za rojstni dan naredila 20 ptičjih hišic-za njegovo praznovanje v vrtcu, za vse njegove palčke prijatelj. Jesen je, in zima prihaja. Ptički morajo v vseh letnih časih veliko jesti-za letanje, delanje gnezd in nabiranje hrane potrebujejo ogromno energije. Na dan morajo pojesti toliko hrane kot tehtajo. Ker pa v tem letnem času hrane ni v izobilju, jim pomagamo ljudje. Če ptičke pozimi pridno hraniš, ti za valentinovo prinesejo pogačice. Valentinovo je dan, ko se ptički ženijo in pečejo pogačice. Poskusite!

It's dwarf B's birthday today. I wanted to make a bird house for him, but instead I made 20 bird houses – for his kindergarden celebration, for all dwarf's friends to colour them together. After fall comes winter, and birds have to eat a lot to be able to fly, nest and gather food for their little ones. For all this they need a lot of energy so they have to eat as much as they weigh each day. Especially in winter time there isn't much food to find for birds, so we have to help them. If you feed birds in the winter time, they bring you a cupcake on Valentine's. Valentine's Day is when birds marry and bake cupcakes. You should try it!

S Palčkom B sva naredila tudi torto Ježa.

                            Dwarf B and I made a cake shaped like a hedgehog for him.



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Zavod Špelinice Tesarska ulica 8 1000 Ljubljana