Spoznala sem ZOOPI-ja. To ni palček niti škrat, ampak Zavod za otrokom in okolju prijazno igro. Enkrat na mesec organizira IZMENJAVO IGRAČ, ko si lahko otroci med seboj zamenjajo igrače, zgoščenke, družabne igre ali knjige. Tam je tudi doktor Zoopi, ki popravlja igrače. Ko sem palčku B povedala za Zoopi-ja, je bil sila navdušen. Naslednja izmenjava igrač bo v četrtek, 22.11.2012 in oba že komaj čakava. Se vidimo!
I've met ZOOPI. It isn't a dwarf not even an elf but an Institute for children and environmentally friendly game. Once a month they organize a TOY EXCHANGE where children can exchange toys, CDs, games or books. Docotor Zoopi can also fix your toy. Dwarf B is very excited. The next exchange will be on Thursday 22 th of November and we both can't wait. Drop by if you have time!
Igrače , ki jih je palček B izbral za izmenjavo.
Dwarf B picked out a few toys to share.
I've met ZOOPI. It isn't a dwarf not even an elf but an Institute for children and environmentally friendly game. Once a month they organize a TOY EXCHANGE where children can exchange toys, CDs, games or books. Docotor Zoopi can also fix your toy. Dwarf B is very excited. The next exchange will be on Thursday 22 th of November and we both can't wait. Drop by if you have time!
Igrače , ki jih je palček B izbral za izmenjavo.
Dwarf B picked out a few toys to share.