Piškoti za palčke - Dwarf's oatmeal cookies
Danes popoldan je prišel k meni palček
B. Zaželel si je nekaj sladkega, dišečega, slastnega... nekaj, kar
se stopi v ustih. Zavihala sem si rokave in hitro zamesila testo za
slastne palčkove piškote.
3 skodelice ovsenih kosmičev
1,5 skodelice polnozrnate ali pirine
moke / 1,5navadne gladke moke
1 skodelica kokosove moke
5 velikih žlic agavinega sirupa / 1
skodelica sladkorja
20dag kokosovega masla / 20 dag masla
ali margarine
1 žlica sode bikarbone / 0,5 pecilnega
(1 jajce)
sveže nariban ingver / rozine (za
Naštete sestavine razen rozin in
ingverja zgneteš v testo in ga daš za eno uro počivat v hladilnik.
Nato oblikuješ kot oreh (lahko malo manjše) velike kroglice in v
sredino pritisneš rozino ali nariban ingver. Položiš jih na peko
papir in pečeš 7 – 10 minut na 180 – 200 °C. Pazi, da bodo
imeli dovolj prostora, ker se malo razlezejo. Odlični so! Dober tek!
Dwarf B cam to me this afternoon. He
has wished for something sweet, delightful, delicious ...something
that melts in your mouth. I rolled up my sleeves ans quickly made the
dough for delicious dwarfs cookies.
3 cups of oatmeal
1,5 cups of whole-wheat or spelt flour
/ 1,5 cups of plain flour
1 cup of coconut flour
5 large tablespoons of agava syrup / 1
cup of sugar
20 dag of coconut butter / 20 dag of
butter or margarine
1 table spoon of baking soda / 0,5
baking powder
(1 egg)
freshly grated ginger / raisins
Mix all the ingridients (except the
ginger and raisins) into a dough and let it rest in the refrigerator
for an hour. Make balls (size of a small walnut) and push in the
middle of each one a raisin or a little of the grated ginger. Put
them on baking paper and bake in an oven for 7- 10 minutes at 180 –
200 °C. And make sure they have enough space inbetween. They are
really tasty! Bon apetit!